Demoncall Pit

by Gaming Paper LLC

Gaming Paper LLC



Tags: Adventure (Mid-Level) Fantasy Pathfinder 1e Pathfinder 1st Edition

Demoncall Pit

Demoncall Pit

The Demons have been released!

It’s finally happened! The Demoncall Ritual has begun, and creatures from the Abyss are streaming out through the Cellend family crypt. Heroes are needed, not only to slay the demons and stop the ritual, but to accept the risk of reversing the ritual to seal the Demoncall Pit forever.

This adventure can be used with the Mega Dungeon 2

The Demoncall Pit is a 7th level Pathfinder Roleplaying Game adventure of diabolical treachery! Written by John Ling, with stunning cover art by Marco Morte, this adventure is compatible with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game and Gaming Paper Adventures: Mega Dungeon 2 .

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