Deadly Delves: The Gilded Gauntlet (PFRPG)

by Jon Brazer Enterprises

Jon Brazer Enterprises



Tags: Adventure (Mid-Level) Fantasy GM Tools Maps/Battlemaps Pathfinder 1e Pathfinder 1st Edition

Deadly Delves: The Gilded Gauntlet (PFRPG)


A Fool And His Life Are Soon Parted!

The city of Hunstoc is experiencing a rash of calamity. Livestock and horses are falling ill, children and elderly people are dying off without any explanation, and the city’s clerics can’t manage to cure the mysterious malady. The Mayor's Office has posted a bounty on strange clockwork creatures that keep emerging from the nearby foothills outside Hunstoc’s gates. Investigating these sinister happenings leads to a massive underground complex full of devious puzzles, dangerous traps, and alchemical wonders beyond anyone’s wildest imaginings—and only the most cunning of adventurers will survive the journey into its depths!

What would you do for limitless wealth? How far would you delve? What horrors would you be willing to face? Would you repeatedly risk your own life, or those of your friends or countless innocents, in order to have anything you wanted? The Gilded Gauntlet brings the classic feel of dangerous trap-laden tournament-style dungeons to Jon Brazer Enterprises’ Deadly Delves product line, and is fully compatible with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. Each room of this dungeon was designed by a different author to confound even the savviest of players and the wiliest of characters. This 61-page adventure is designed to challenge a group of 9th-level PCs like no other content has to date. Inside this volume, you’ll find:

  • 7 New and Variant Monsters, including the clockwork sentry, mercurial necroplasm, and thallium elemental
  • 28 New Traps, Hazards, and Haunts with which to confound, maim, and torture your players again and again
  • 20 Full-Color Maps detailing a treacherous underground complex filled with alchemical machinery and devious puzzles
  • 3 New Magic Items, such as the imprint helm and the eternal jar
  • A New Fully-Detailed Location in which to immerse your players: the City of Hunstoc, complete with a full roster of NPC denizens and an accompanying full-color map of the city’s layout
  • Enough content to take five 9th-level PCs to 10th level and beyond, with ideas to extend the story even further once you’re done exploring the complex

Dangers Unknown. Treasures Untold. Adventure Awaits.

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