Darkwalkers: The Evil Within

by DragonWing Games

DragonWing Games



Tags: 3rd Edition/3e Classes Fantasy Feats GM Tools Magic Magic Items Skills Spells

Darkwalkers: The Evil Within

“Evil. It is refreshingly delicious and fun. There is a certain adrenaline rush that surges through my veins whenever I vanquish an adventurer or paladin that has had the audacity to challenge me or invade my home. Nothing is more satisfying than dashing the hopes and beliefs of a holy cleric when he finds out that his god doesn’t really care about him or to see the look of surprise on the face of a rogue as I catch him unaware and deliver a mortal blow.

Being evil means you command the respect of others. They may hate you, fear you, vilify you, and even dare to oppose you, but they will acknowledge the power you wield and the control you exert. With a simple wave of my hand or nod of my head, I condemn a person to a lifetime of torture or a quick death, depending upon my mood. I can enslave anyone upon a whim or allow him to just pass beneath my notice. Even fiends and infernal creatures seek me out to form pacts and agreements that will benefit both parties. Through careful manipulations I have caused wars between kingdoms and then rode in with my armies in the aftermath to claim rule. Being evil means you strive for a single ultimate goal; absolute power.

Absolute power means none can oppose you. All you desire is within your grasp. Those foolish enough to oppose you or stand between your goals are destroyed as an example to all others who harbor such rebellious thoughts. Power is everything. It is what drives your very soul.”

-- Shi’Kahr Darkstarr, Lord of Tonaga

Welcome to Gothos and the realms of the Dark Walkers. In this book you will explore new rules and options available for actively playing characters who are evil at heart. Darkwalkers: The Evil Within contains new player character core classes, races, prestige classes, feats, magic items, and spells, all with a decidedly evil slant.

Designed for the Hunt: Rise of Evil campaign setting created by Mystic Eye Games, Darkwalkers: The Evil Within is suitable for use in any fantasy campaign world. So explore the secret societies, dark deities, infernal pacts, new templates, and minions that will aid you in your quest for power and dominance. Join the Hunt and eliminate the Children of the Waking Dream.

Being good may be the right and honorable thing to do, but evil is more fun...

This product requires the use of the Dungeons & Dragons® Player’s Handbook Revised, published by Wizards of the Coast®

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