"This is pretty much up our alley."
— John Arcadian, Gnome Stew
Insanity Below
In the deep darkness below the earth, there is only Claustrophobia!
Grab your pointy hat and say goodbye to the daisies, it’s time to embark on a perilous subterranean journey as a brave — or suicidal — garden gnome.

I Pinky Swear I'll be a Good AI
Face grueling challenges and unique monsters as you explore the dark places, travelling aboard the HMS Keeton, a scratch built, nuclear powered drilling rig with a mind of its own.
Super Awesome Tiger Punch
Claustrophobia's unique mechanics and elegant rules system emphasizes cooperative story play, providing the perfect mix for an evening's hilarious insanity. Just add friends and dice.

Will you dare the darkness?
Technical Specs
Format: Landscape
Pages: 28
Dice: d6, lots