Class Expansions - The Pious Arcanist

by Interjection Games

Interjection Games



Tags: Arcanist class options fantasy feats Pathfinder 1e Pathfinder 1st Edition player options wizard

Class Expansions - The Pious Arcanist

Sometimes, all you need to have fun with a class for another few months is a few new ideas to tinker around with. Class Expansions is a series of lightweight supplements for The Pathfinder Roleplaying Game that takes a base class and offers alternative class features that, handily enough, each fit on one page or less.

Following in this vein, Class Expansions - The Pious Arcanist is the first in a subseries of Class Expansions that introduces archetypes rather than generic crunch for all classes. That being said, since the Pious Arcanist archetype was a bit short, five feats of generic domain-spell crunch have been added to round it out.

The Pious Arcanist (Wizard archetype)

Core Concept: A wizard who gives up his school for domain spells.


  • Domains - Selects one domain at 1st level, a second at 10th level. Treats them just as a cleric would. Rules for multiclassing into cleric as a pious arcanist are included.
  • Divine Bond - The pious arcanist's bonded object is a holy symbol. With it, he can cast a domain spell an additional time per day. Without it, he finds channeling the power of his god to be rather difficult.
  • Magical Duality - If a wizard prepares a scroll of a domain spell that is not on the wizard spell list, the scroll he creates is a divine spell. Further, scrolls of domain spells that are on his domain spell list, but not on his wizard spell list can make use of the pious arcanist's caster level for the purpose of making a caster level check to cast the scroll as though the spell were on the wizard spell list.

Bonus Feats:

  • Emulate Domain - You can cast a specific domain spell using your normal spell slots; however, its spell level is increased by one when learned in this fashion.
  • Focused Domain - +1 to the DC of your domain spells and powers
  • Greater Focused Domain - +2 to the DC of your domain spells and powers
  • Imminent Domain - Two domain spells from domains your god has in His or Her portfolio, but you don't have access to can now be prepared as domain spells
  • Supernatural Domain - Lower level domain spells are supernatural
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