Class Expansions - Illusion Sorcerer Bloodlines

by Interjection Games

Interjection Games



Tags: classes fantasy Pathfinder 1e Pathfinder 1st Edition player options sorcerer

Class Expansions - Illusion Sorcerer Bloodlines

Sometimes, all you need to have fun with a class for another few months is a few new ideas to tinker around with. Class Expansions is a series of lightweight supplements for The Pathfinder Roleplaying Game that takes a base class and offers alternative class features that, handily enough, each fit on one page or less.

Following in this vein, Class Expansions - Illusion Sorcerer Bloodlines introduces three new sorcerer bloodlines, each of which focuses on a particular subtype of spell found in the Illusion school.

Artist (Phantasms) - Art exists to hold a mirror to nature. Some artists simply capture what they see with the certainty that the viewer will see what he saw. Others show the viewer an idea, a concept, perhaps the end result of a chain of events, and through subtle hints in the work, have the viewer understand this other condition. In your case, simply injecting exactly what you want the viewer to see directly into his mind tends to be much more effective.

Abilities Include:

  • Bloodline Arcana - Phantasm scrolls are cheaper to produce. Scribe Scroll is a bonus feat.
  • Repaint Terrain - You change one detail about the immediate area. Perhaps a door now appears to be part of a solid wall.
  • As Things Are - You gain a bonus to Perception checks to find secret doors and other hidden objects. Further, you can detect traps as a rogue if and only if the trap contains an Illusion spell.

Facets (Patterns) - Whether they be miners, jewelers, or perhaps jewel-obsessed nobles, your family includes a long history of caring about gemstones in some way shape, or form. The way they scatter light once cut, the fire of a raw gem, internalized and muted by the ravages of obscene heat and pressure, these sing to your soul as song does a bard. This hereditary love of the jewel has found its way into your family's psyche and, by extension, your magic.

Abilities Include:

  • Bloodline Arcana - You may use a gem as an optional material component. If you do, increase the DC and caster level of the spell.
  • Gemflash - Throw an illusory gem, dazzling creatures in a small radius. At higher levels, daze weak creatures.
  • Facetlord - Creatures who strike you in melee are subjected to the color spray spell.

Restless (Figments) - A being of great power, whether it be a god, a fiend, a celestial, or just a really upset wizard, has cursed your family to never enjoy the rewards of the afterlife; instead, your family languishes for eternity as restless spirits bound to the prime material plane. As a sorcerer, this curse has made itself manifest in your magic. Strange apparitions appear when you will them, but are still capable of affecting the world proper. In essence, you blur the barrier between the real and the unreal, between figments and reality, between corporeal and incorporeal.

Abilities Include:

  • Bloodline Arcana - Your figments get a bonus to their DC to disbelieve if they initiate contact.
  • Shimmering Spirit - Summon forth an illusion that slowly becomes more real as you level. At high levels, it can manipulate objects, speak, and even attack.
  • Realistic Figments - A figment becomes real for one round. (And yes, it takes 400 words to explain what that means.)
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