Camp Karate: Hot-Blooded Dramatic Roleplay

by Rising Phoenix Games

Rising Phoenix Games



Tags: all-in-one Modern Stand-alone unique system

Camp Karate: Hot-Blooded Dramatic Roleplay

Hot-Blooded Dramatic Roleplay

Camp Karate is a game about conflict. It’s a game about passion. It's a game about friendship, adversity, and overcoming the odds. It’s a game about bullying, about justice, about being kicked to the ground and getting back up again. It’s about being a kid, a teen, growing up, and being a mentor. Ultimately, it’s a game about life, seen through the cool shades of karate, worked out under the summer sun.

“It is essential to control your passion by means of your will, calming down so that your will is not drawn by your passion.”
? Yagy? Munenori; The Book of Family Traditions on the Art of War

“Never put passion before principle. Even if you win, you lose.”
— Mr. Miyagi; Karate Kid II

How To Play

Camp Karate uses D4s, D6s, D8s, D10s, and D12s and is a theatre of the mind, troupe-play game.

Each player controls three or more characters, switching between them for each scene. Create your dice pool by comparing your character to your opponent or the situation they're facing. Spend Passion Dice to keep your cool, or roll them for potentially devastating results. Match or beat the Target Number to succeed, or roll higher than your opponent.

Choose Your Dojo

Viper-Kai Karate. Strike Fast, Strike First!
Viper-Kai trains winning athletes. A competitive, fighting spirit and a winning drive are the key attributes of any Viper-Kai student. We’re here to win!

Sakura-Do Karate. Firm Roots in Ancient Wisdom
Students of the Sakura-Do dojo learn the ancient wisdom and traditions of traditional karate, through dedication and physical training. Master the self to master any conflict.

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