Book of Monster Templates (PFRPG)

by Rite Publishing

Rite Publishing



Tags: bestiary enemies fantasy gm tools monsters Pathfinder 1e Pathfinder 1st Edition templates

Book of Monster Templates (PFRPG)

Book of Monster Templates (PFRPG)

Think You've Seen It All?

It's a big, scary world out there, and for your players, it's gotten nastier. The Book of Monster Templates gives you more options, more creative flexibility and more ways to just freak out your players with new templates - itching to be added to any Pathfinder monster.

Enjoy innovative templates like The Bloody Maw who consumes magic items for their eldritch power, The Boundfury who lives to punish and guard those it has found guilty, and the Phlogiston Creature, an arcane construct that combines magic and technology to create truly frightening additions to your favorite evil wizard's laboratory.

More than just a collection of templates, each entry comes with Lore information, Ecology, and succinct, yet detailed guidelines for how to use the templated creature in your next game. The Book of Monster Templates gives you the creative oomph you've come to expect from Rite Publishing, and it'll give your party something to remember for a long time - if they survive!

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