Bestiary 1 Pawns Box (Pathfinder Roleplaying Game)

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Tags: Accessory bestiary Enemies fantasy GM Tools monsters Pathfinder 1e Pathfinder 1st Edition

Bestiary 1 Pawns Box (Pathfinder Roleplaying Game)

Bestiary 1 Pawns Box

The brutal beasts of the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary come alive on your tabletop with this box-busting collection of more than 300 creature pawns for use with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game or any tabletop fantasy RPG!

Printed on sturdy cardstock, each pawn contains a beautiful full-color image of a nasty monster from the core Pathfinder RPG monster reference. Each cardstock pawn slots into a size-appropriate plastic base, making them easy to mix with traditional metal or plastic miniatures. With multiple pawns for commonly encountered creatures and more than 250 distinct creature images, the Bestiary Box is the best way to ensure you've got the right creatures to push your Pathfinder campaign to the next level!


Hundreds of monsters surge to life on your tabletop! Each has its own identification number for easy sorting. The Bestiary Box includes:

Small (and Smaller)

1 Archon, Lantern
2 Bat Swarm (4)
3 Choker
4 Cockatrice
5 Dark Creeper (3)
6 Darkmantle
7 Demon, Dretch (2)
8 Demon, Quasit
9 Derro (2)
10 Devil, Imp
11 Dog
12 Eagle
13 Electric Eel
14 Elemental, Air
15 Elemental, Earth
16 Elemental, Fire
17 Elemental, Water
18 Goblin Warrior (4)
19 Homunculus
20 Intellect Devourer
21 Iron Cobra
22 Kobold Warrior (3)
23 Mephit (2)
24 Mite (2)
25 Pixie
26 Pseudodragon
27 Rat, Dire (2)
28 Shocker Lizard
29 Spider Swarm (4)
30 Stirge (2)
31 Svirfneblin
32 Vargouille (2)
33 Vegepygmy (2)
34 Will-o'-Wisp


35 Aasimar Cleric
36 Angel, Astral Deva
37 Animated Object
38 Ant, Giant Soldier (3)
39 Archon, Hound (2)
40 Archon, Trumpet
41 Azata, Bralani (2)
42 Azata, Ghaele
43 Barghest
44 Basidirond
45 Basilisk (2)
46 Boar
47 Boggard (3)
48 Bugbear (3)
49 Cat, Leopard
50 Cave Fisher (2)
51 Centipede, Giant
52 Crab, Giant (2)
53 Dark Stalker
54 Demon, Babau (2)
55 Demon, Nabasu
56 Demon, Shadow
57 Demon, Succubus
58 Devil, Barbed (2)
59 Devil, Bearded (2)
60 Devil, Erinyes (2)
61 Devil, Lemure (3)
62 Dinosaur, Deinonychus (2)
63 Dog, Riding
64 Doppelganger
65 Dragon, Young Black
66 Dragon, Young Brass
67 Dragon, Young Copper
68 Dragon, Young White
69 Drow Noble Cleric
70 Drow Warrior (3)
71 Dryad
72 Duergar (2)
73 Elemental, Air
74 Elemental, Earth
75 Elemental, Fire
76 Elemental, Water
77 Ettercap
78 Frog, Giant
79 Gargoyle
80 Genie, Janni
81 Ghost
82 Ghoul (3)
83 Gibbering Mouther
84 Gnoll (3)
85 Goblin Dog
86 Golem, Ice
87 Golem, Wood
88 Gray Ooze
89 Green Hag
90 Half-Dragon, Dracolisk
91 Harpy (3)
92 Hell Hound (2)
93 Hobgoblin Fighter (3)
94 Hyena
95 Invisible Stalker
96 Kyton
97 Leech, Giant
98 Lich
99 Lizardfolk (3)
100 Lycanthrope, Wererat
101 Lycanthrope, Werewolf
102 Medusa
103 Merfolk Warrior
104 Mimic
105 Mohrg
106 Morlock (2)
107 Mummy (2)
108 Night Hag
109 Nymph
110 Orc Warrior (3)
111 Rakshasa
112 Rust Monster
113 Sahuagin (2)
114 Salamander
115 Satyr
116 Sea Hag
117 Shadow
118 Skeletal Champion
119 Skeleton (3)
120 Skum (2)
121 Snake, Venomous
122 Spectre
123 Spider, Giant (3)
124 Tengu Rogue
125 Tiefling Rogue
126 Troglodyte (2)
127 Vampire Sorcerer
128 Violet Fungus
129 Wight
130 Wolf (2)
131 Worg
132 Wraith
133 Xill
134 Xorn
135 Yellow Musk Creeper
136 Yeth Hound (2)
137 Zombie (3)


138 Angel, Planetar
139 Angel, Solar
140 Ankheg
141 Ape, Dire
142 Ape, Gorilla
143 Assassin Vine
144 Azata, Lillend
145 Barghest, Greater
146 Bat, Dire
147 Bear, Dire
148 Centaur
149 Chimera
150 Chuul
151 Cloaker
152 Couatl
153 Crocodile
154 Cyclops
155 Demon, Balor
156 Demon, Hezrou
157 Demon, Marilith
158 Demon, Vrock
159 Devil, Bone
160 Devil, Horned
161 Devil, Ice
162 Devil, Pit Fiend
163 Devourer
164 Dragon, Adult Black
165 Dragon, Adult Brass
166 Dragon, Adult Copper
167 Dragon, Adult White
168 Dragon, Young Blue
169 Dragon, Young Bronze
170 Dragon, Young Gold
171 Dragon, Young Green
172 Dragon, Young Red
173 Dragon, Young Silver
174 Drider
175 Duergar (enlarged)
176 Elemental, Air
177 Elemental, Earth
178 Elemental, Fire
179 Elemental, Water
180 Ettin
181 Gelatinous Cube
182 Genie, Djinni
183 Genie, Efreeti
184 Genie, Marid
185 Genie, Shaitan
186 Giant, Fire
187 Giant, Frost
188 Giant, Hill
189 Giant, Stone
190 Girallon
191 Golem, Clay
192 Golem, Flesh
193 Golem, Iron
194 Golem, Stone
195 Gorgon
196 Griffon
197 Half-Celestial Unicorn
198 Half-Fiend Minotaur
199 Herd Animal, Aurochs
200 Herd Animal, Bison
201 Horse
202 Lamia
203 Lion
204 Lizard, Giant Frilled
205 Manticore
206 Mantis, Giant
207 Minotaur
208 Naga, Dark
209 Naga, Guardian
210 Naga, Spirit
211 Nightmare
212 Ochre Jelly
213 Ogre (2)
214 Oni, Ogre Mage
215 Otyugh
216 Owlbear
217 Pegasus
218 Phase Spider
219 Rhinoceros, Woolly
220 Roper
221 Scorpion, Giant
222 Shambling Mound
223 Shark
224 Sphinx, Gynosphinx
225 Tiger, Dire
226 Troll
227 Unicorn
228 Wasp, Giant
229 Wolf, Dire
230 Wyvern
231 Yeti


232 Aboleth
233 Bebilith
234 Behir
235 Black Pudding
236 Bulette
237 Demon, Glabrezu
238 Demon, Nalfeshnee
239 Dragon, Adult Blue
240 Dragon, Adult Green
241 Dragon, Adult Red
242 Dragon, Ancient Black
243 Dragon, Ancient White
244 Dragon Turtle
245 Elephant, Mastodon
246 Flytrap, Giant
247 Froghemoth
248 Giant, Cloud
249 Giant, Storm
250 Hydra
251 Remorhaz
252 Retriever
253 Shoggoth
254 Slug, Giant
255 Squid, Giant
256 Treant

The Bestiary Box also includes twenty 1"-bases for Medium and smaller pawns, ten 2"-bases for Large pawns, and five 3"-bases for Huge pawns.

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