Bane Ledger I

by Bloodstone Press

Bloodstone Press



Tags: 3rd Edition/3e d20 d20/OGL Monsters/Enemies

Bane Ledger I

Bane Ledger I

System: OGL
Genre: Sword and sorcery adventure
Interior Illustrations:
Page Count (Including cover and OGL): 42

The Bane Ledger presents 30 monsters gathered from the legends of our own world. These amazing creatures have been carefully selected from African, Polynesian, Australian and American folklore for their surprising and unique characteristics. Some creatures, like the abatwa, can be helpful and informative while others, like the impundulu seek to do unspeakable things with corpses. Eating the heart of a taniwha can infuse a hero with morale bonuses and beating a one-armed hai-uri in a fistfight can earn a character special insight into healing herbs.

The Bane Ledger features monsters ranging from CR 1/2 to CR 32, including one of the most fearsome creatures of them all, the mighty Ya-o-gah! In fact, more than half the creatures in the Bane Ledger have challenge ratings of 7 or higher, making this a great supplement for games of mid to high levels of play. The four eldest categories of storm dragons and summer dragons all have challenge ratings of 20 or higher. The Bane Ledger also features many creatures of lower challenge ratings, including the nightmarish aswang and the impossible djien.

The many creatures in the Bane Ledger once roamed the myths and legends of our forefathers, haunting their dreams and filling their hearts with fear. These monsters have now been collected and cataloged with OGL statistics and are presented here for your gaming pleasure. Now it is your turn to face the fell creatures that have plagued mankind for centuries!

Fear the storm dragons for they bring chaos and destruction wherever they go. Beware the xiuhcoatls for they can cause famine and drought. Avoid the undead impundulu for it will slay you and drag your corpse back to its master!

These and dozens of other amazing creatures lurk within the pages of the Bane Ledger! Add them your game today and watch with delight as these beasts maul the heroes in your game!

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