Ancestral Options - Halflings

by Necromancers of the Northwest

Necromancers of the Northwest



Tags: Archetypes Fantasy Feats halfling heritages Pathfinder PF2E Races

Ancestral Options - Halflings

Half the Size, Twice the Heart!

In the Pathfinder Second Edition roleplaying game, a character’s ancestry matters more than ever before. Instead of picking a race and sticking with it, players are encouraged to customize the benefits a character gains from their lineage, with a wide assortment of ancestry feats gained at various levels. While the Pathfinder Second Edition Core Rulebook presents plenty of great options for each of these ancestries, the focus on customization means that there’s always room for new and exciting ways to bring your ancestry to the fore.

This book focuses on providing new ancestry-related options for halfling characters. Everyone’s favorite reluctant (or sometimes overeager) adventurers are getting an oversized load of exciting new options. I hope you left room for second breakfast, because in this book, you’ll find:

  • 5 new halfling heritages, including the Cottage Halfling and Wild Halfling.
  • 12 new ancestry feats for halflings, ranging from 1st through 13th level, including Fortunate Find, Deep Pockets, Swift Snacker, and more!
  • A new archetype for halfling characters, the hearth master, for halflings who draw their strength from their home and their family, empowering their allies and creating a powerful base of operations.
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