Ancestral Options - Elves

by Necromancers of the Northwest

Necromancers of the Northwest



Tags: ancestries Archetypes elves Fantasy Feats heritages Pathfinder 2nd Edition Races

Ancestral Options - Elves

Ageless Grace and Prowess!

In the Pathfinder Second Edition roleplaying game, a character’s ancestry matters more than ever before. Instead of picking a race and sticking with it, players are encouraged to customize the benefits a character gains from their lineage, with a wide assortment of ancestry feats gained at various levels. While the Pathfinder Second Edition Core Rulebook presents plenty of great options for each of these ancestries, the focus on customization means that there’s always room for new and exciting ways to bring your ancestry to the fore.

This book focuses on providing new ancestry-related options for elf characters. Perfect visions of beauty and grace, blessed with agelessness and skill in archery, music, magic, and more, it is easy to see why other races are so often envious of the elves’ many gifts. In this book, you’ll find:

  • 5 new elf heritages, including Drow Elf and Winged Elf.
  • 12 new ancestry feats for elves, ranging from 1st through 13th level, including Adaptive, Elven Beauty, and Graceful Step!
  • A new archetype for elf characters, the starsinger, which allows one to sing ancient songs that harness the power of the stars to control light and darkness, and watch over you as you sleep.
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