Amazons vs Valkyries: The Cult of Demeter (PF1)

by Bloodstone Press

Bloodstone Press



Tags: Archetypes Cults Fantasy Mythic Pathfinder 1e

Amazons vs Valkyries: The Cult of Demeter (PF1)

The Daughters of Ares and the Daughters of Odin…

A Mythic World of Chaos and War…

Amazons vs Valkyries: The Cult of Demeter (PF1)

Pages: 16
Game System: Pathfinder 1e/OGL 3.5
Genre: Classical Age (Greek/Norse Mythology)

Mystery cults are secret societies that exist within religious institutions. Like other secret societies, their existence is well known, but their rituals, lore, and objectives are concealed. Only the initiated are allowed access to these secrets.

This file provides an overview of mystery cults and specific details about the Cult of Demeter, one of the most important and influential deities in the Amazons vs Valkyries setting.

Within this file:

  • The location of Demeter's major temples
  • The many festivals and holidays associated with Demeter
  • The Champion of Demeter prestige class featuring the divine provider and familial bond special abilities
  • The Harvest Guardian advanced class featuring the aura of safety ability
  • Oracle Mystery: Motherhood featuring Hopes and dreams, Mother's Touch and other revelations
  • Domain of Sustenance featuring the Touch of Abundance and Cup Overfloweth abilities
  • Warpriest Blessing: Seasons featuring Sew the Fields and Reap the Harvest abilities

These warrior women are tough fighters with divine spells. They serve one of the most powerful and influential temples in the world and work tirelessly to protect crops, herds, and children.

To become a Harvest Guardian and gain the full powers of Demeter's blessing, a character must first become a Champion of Demeter and serve the temple as a security officer or special agent.

Champions of Demeter and Harvest Guardians have an alignment restriction and a code of conduct which they must follow. Being dedicated to agriculture, the seasons, and nature, they are usually lawful and often neutral.

Pick this supplement up today and discover a whole new world of hyper-violence and debauchery; a high-magic, mythological world of Romans and Persians, Egyptians and Greeks, where two legendary warrior cults are locked in an epic, endless clash of total war!

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