Age of Electrotech

by Radiance House

Radiance House



Tags: archetypes best of classes Feats GM Tools Pathfinder 1e Pathfinder 1st Edition Races Skills Traits Treasure

Age of Electrotech

Got batteries, will travel! From Jules Verne to Nicola Tesla, electro-mechanical gadgets have puzzled, empowered, and endangered heroes and common folk alike. Whether rare wonders from a lost age or as shiny exemplars of a brand new one, electrotech opens new doors to new and electrifying possibilities. Age of Electrotech for Pathfinder RPG, by Paizo Inc., includes nearly one hundred pages of crackling goodness:

  • Ideas for electrotech in your campaigns.
  • The technician base class, with diverse "trades" around bombs, crafting, firearms, scavenging, soldiering, symbionts, tinkering, and traps.
  • Archetypes such as the cyborg, electromedic, esotechnic, necrotech, and transmoglomaniac. Plus new feats.
  • Twenty-eight pages of electrotech gear: armaments, batteries, household goods, toolkits, vehicles for all terrains, and "wonders of madness" from the cosmitron and hypnogogue to the pleasure orb and zealotron.
  • Rules to craft and augment characters with bizarre and practical gadgets such as the cricket for your feet, an electromechanical grappling hook, and a life scanner. Every gadget comes with multiple upgrade options to keep gadgets close to one's heart over a career.
  • Symbionts: rules for growing and implanting biological augments.
  • Two new races, the mutamorph and nashi, plus a character history generator, traits, downtown and kingdom building options.
  • Inspiring fiction for an age where science is the romance.

This book is for use with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game by Paizo Inc.

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