Adventurer Essentials: Bedrolls
Adventurer Essentials: Bedrolls

Adventuring can be dangerous. That's why every treasure-hunter needs the proper equipment. With the introduction of our "Adventurer Essentials" line we will examine the items that every adventurer needs to ensure he makes it back alive for the next adventure. Time-tested, and proven by countless dungeon crawls and wilderness expeditions, these are the essentials you'll need to survive the dangers ahead. The next piece of essential gear covered in the "Adventurer Essentials" line is the humble Bedroll. What piece of equipment is more cherished than the thick blanket an adventurer curls up inside after a march through a frozen wasteland? For most wanderers, a good bed at an inn is a rarity, and home is a distant memory. Most nights are spent under the indifferent stars. In the summer, the adventurer tosses and turns, a campaign's worth of sweat sticking to the armor he can't safely remove in-country, because he knows that in his business, danger always comes at night. During the winter, the adventurer huddles before a pitiful fire, shivering in ragged blankets as his breath freezes the moment it passes his chattering lips. During the rainy season, he sleeps in cloying mud, and wakes filthy and only slightly less exhausted than when he passed out the night before.
It doesn't matter though. For an adventurer, that ragged, straw filled bedroll and patched, mud-stained blanket is home, if only for one night. And if he is tired enough, the weary adventurer can convince himself that his sleeping rags are a sybarite's palace.
In this PDF we look at the history and legends of sleeping gear when far from home and hearth. Additionally we look at several varients of mundane bedrolls and accessories such as the standard bedroll, various blanket weights, the Legionares Bed, the Elven Sia Aia (Cocoon in Elvish), the Springing Tent, Verminbane Sachet and waterproofing methods.
An adventurer might pay to have her sword enchanted to slay dragons, or to have her cloak glamoured with silence and invisibility, or her shield blessed by a cleric of her god, but what kind of adventurer enchants her bedroll?
A smart one.
This PDF details fourteen magical items related to sleeping and Bedrolls.
- Bed of the Caravan
- Bedroll of Reconsideration
- Bedroll of Sleeping Serpents
- Dead-speak-sleep
- Diplomat's Quilt
- Dream of Plenty
- Lace of the Merciful
- Lone Emperor's Palace
- Mephit's Hearth
- Osmotic Bedroll
- Prophetess' Shawl
- Pillow of Extremis
- Prostitute's Pillow
- Roll o' the Weavers