Advanced Races: The Dahkhan

by Bloodstone Press

Bloodstone Press



Tags: 3rd Edition/3e Fantasy Pathfinder 1e Races

Advanced Races: The Dahkhan


Pages: 14
Illustrations: 3
Game System: OGL 3.5/Pathfinder

Dahkhans are dragon-like aliens from the distant dimension of Galigdrelil. They are hatched in pools of Light and mature under the tutelage of hierophants and demigods. Although they are magical creatures spawned with sorcery, dahkhans are also fearsome warriors known for their mastery of pole arms. 

The dahkhans’ cousins, malignant creatures of Darkness known as anth, have also come to the Shadelands from the perilous reaches of Galigdrelil. The anth live among the monstrous hordes of Gathia, manipulating clans of ogres and goblinoids in elaborate genocidal schemes against mankind.

The dahkhans work tirelessly to defeat the anth, protect mankind, and preserve an ancient prophecy written in the stars of their strange, alien world.

The battle between dahkhans and anth is a critical element of the Shadelands. Their eternal war of Light and Darkness is at the heart of every conflict and struggle. But you can add these races to your own campaign world as well, turning your setting into a battlefield in the timeless, cosmic war between Light and Darkness.


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