Advanced Races 5: Ravenfolk

by Kobold Press

Kobold Press



Tags: fantasy Pathfinder 1e Pathfinder 1st Edition Player Options Races

Advanced Races 5: Ravenfolk

Raven Tricksters Need You!

Few races live amid so much rumor, suspicion and outright falsehood as the ravenfolk, the Western cousins of the tengu.

They are condemned as solitary wanderers bearing misfortune, and praised as messengers from the gods. They are loyal comrades and treacherous thieves, brave warriors and contemptible cowards. But these truths, half-truths and lies conceal a greater mystery that very few outsiders know…

Advanced Races 5: Ravenfolk gives you everything you need to play as a huginn or heru in Midgard or to bring the ravenfolk into the fantasy setting of your choice. Created for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, this 19-page book by designer Wade Rockett includes:

  • The ravenfolk of Midgard, their rookeries, and their secret feather-language
  • 13 alternate racial traits, and 6 new ravenfolk feats
  • 5 new archetypes including Doom Croaker, Sea Raven and Thief of Secrets
  • New spells, new magic items, and 3 exotic weapons

And much more!

The gods have need of you: trickster, prophet, blade-master, spy. Will you answer the call?!

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