Advanced Options: Patrons Hexes

by Rogue Genius Games

Rogue Genius Games



Tags: fantasy magic Pathfinder 1e Pathfinder 1st Edition player options witch

Advanced Options: Patrons Hexes

Advanced Options: Patrons Hexes

The power of a witch comes from her patron, a mysterious force that extends this power for its own mysterious purposes. Witches gain bonus spells from their patrons, based on the arena of concern the patron is focused on. However it seems odd that hexes, the lynchpin powers of the witch class, are not affected by a witch's choice of patron. To add one more level of customization, and help distinguish between witches of different patrons, Advanced Options: Patron Hexes presents a series of special hexes, each tied to a specific patron.

The Patrons included and the hexes tied to them are:

  • Agility: Boneless Steps (Su)
  • Ancestors: Whispers from Beyond the Grave (Su)
  • Animals: Primal Fury (Su)
  • Death: Touch of the Grave (Su)
  • Deception: Eldritch Masque (Su)
  • Elements: Elemental Warp (Su)
  • Enchantment: Dark Desires (Su)
  • Endurance: Vitality (Su)
  • Healing: Healing Hands (Su)
  • Insanity: Babble (Su)
  • Light: Brightening (Su)
  • Moon: Witchlight (Su)
  • Occult: Gravebound (Su)
  • Plague: Mark of Plague (Su)
  • Portents: Third Eye (Su)
  • Shadow: Shroud (Su)
  • Spirits: Spirit Knife (Su)
  • Stars: Glory of the Heavens (Su)
  • Strength: Mighty Thews (Su)
  • Time: Spare Time (Su)
  • Transformation: Race Shift (Su)
  • Trickery: Master Trickster (Su)
  • Vengeance: Retributive Strike (Su)
  • Water: Waterborn (Su)
  • Winter: Hoar Blade (Su)
  • Wisdom: Insight (Su)
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