Advanced Options: Arcanist Exploits

by Rogue Genius Games

Rogue Genius Games



Tags: Arcanist Classes Enhanced Fantasy GM Tools Pathfinder 1e Pathfinder 1st Edition

Advanced Options: Arcanist Exploits

Advanced Options: Arcanist Exploits

Behold the Power of the Arcane!

The arcanist is a new hybrid class, combining elements of the two ultimate arcane spellcasters: sorcerer and wizard. Arcanists may be court advisors, cunning enchanters, fiery combat mages, or delvers in secrets mortals were not meant to know. Pathfinder® Roleplaying Game: Advanced Class Guide™ provides some options for specializing arcanists through exploits and archetypes, but space restrictions preclude delving into all the possible ways a slayer might be customized to match character tropes and player ideas.

To help with that reduced support, Advanced Options: Arcanist Exploits offers new exploits appropriate to any arcanist and five arcanist archetypes (the dagger-wielding bloodletter, construct-focused galvanist, monster-emulating thiriomancer, item-focused wandmaster, and abjuring ward weaver) each with its own set of additional exploits appropriate to the archetype's theme!

Magic is power. Exploit it!

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