Advanced Adventures #20: The Riddle of Anadi

by Expeditious Retreat Press

Expeditious Retreat Press



Tags: adventure fantasy gm tools old school osr OSRIC

Advanced Adventures #20: The Riddle of Anadi

The Riddle of Anadi is an OSRIC(tm) module designed for 5-7 adventures of levels 6-10.

The ancient name of Anadi is legendary among sages, mystics, and wizards throughout the land. It was the Great Sage herself who researched countless magical rituals and spells commonly used today. Yet none know what ultimately became of Anadi; rumors abound that she ascended to godhood, she was enslaved by some demon of the nether planes, or that she simply died and is buried in some long forgotten location.

Information concerning her fate was non-existent for centuries until a long lost journal written by one of her acolytes surfaced in forgotten ruins explored by enterprising adventurers. The scant information from the journal tells little of Anadis demise other than that she finally met forces she could not control. It does, however, direct the reader to her final resting place deep in mountains infested by trolls and other creatures deemed too dangerous to battle by anyone but the most determined souls.

The most famous scholar of the largest nearby city wishes to hire intrepid adventurers to seek out the final resting place of Anadi, plunder it for its secrets, and if possible, determine what ultimately happened to the great half-elven sage. He will pay handsomely, of course, and share any discovered magical knowledge gained with the clerics and wizards of the party.

Anadis final resting place awaits! Can your adventurers wrest the great riddle of Anadis fate from the dust of ages?

We’re looking for stars!
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