Advanced Adventures #12: The Barrow Mound of Gravemoor

by Expeditious Retreat Press

Expeditious Retreat Press



Tags: adventure fantasy gm tools old school osr OSRIC

Advanced Adventures #12: The Barrow Mound of Gravemoor

The Barrow Mound of Gravemoor is an OSRIC module designed for 46 adventures of levels 57.

The Highlands are aflame with the fires of rebellion! Barely submissive at the best of times, the restless clans have risen up in arms against the rule of good king Oldavin. What began a few years ago as local disturbances has flared into widespread revolt that saw Oldavins rule over the Highlands, always superficial at any rate, crumble away like ancient masonry.

A Highland rebel named Richard Dirkloch has rallied hundreds of bandits, neer-do-wells, and restive humanoids to his banner and wages war on the forces of good king Oldavin. He promises booty and freedom from the constraints imposed by law and order, but Dirkloch intends to deliver only death to his followers. Indeed, such is his only goal, the initial step in an insidious plan that could destroy the kingdom of his mortal enemy and restore his beloved bride to life. As his plot reaches fruition, what began as a minor uprising becomes serious, deadly serious.

If you enjoy this adventure, look for future releases in the Advanced Adventures line from Expeditious Retreat Press.

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