#30 Battle Standards

by Rite Publishing

Rite Publishing



Tags: equipment fantasy feats magic items Pathfinder 1e Pathfinder 1st Edition

#30 Battle Standards

Will You Bear The Standard?

A flag is more than just a piece of cloth. It is a symbol; it can be one of hope or despair, freedom or tyranny. How will you bear that standard? Stories of lancers with streaming pennons or fallen banners picked up by lone squires fill a bard's songbook. Be it a banner's carried on a standard, a guidon on a spear marking a mercenary company, a garrison flag flying over you or your foe's ramparts, a pennon gracing the head of your lance, or a sashimono attached to the back of your samurai's armor these are the trappings of glory and inspiration. Do your Pathfinder Roleplaying Game heroes have the courage to pick up the fallen flag, kiss it, and keep on going?

This prouduct also provides a shop for vexillums, bringing you new adventuring gear along with the shop's proprietor Grivt Lungpiercer to help seamlessly weave #30 Battle Standards into the fabric of your world.

Within you will find

  • 30 magical battle standards
  • 10 new pieces of adventuring gear
  • The new Flagbearer feat
  • The NPC Grivt Lungpiercer
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