101 Not So Random Encounters: Winter

by Rite Publishing

Rite Publishing



Tags: bestiary cold druids encounters fantasy gm tools monsters Pathfinder 1e Pathfinder 1st Edition winter

101 Not So Random Encounters: Winter

When 1d6 polar bears just won't cut it!

It's a cold, dark environment out there, and for your players, it's gotten nastier. 101 Not So Random Encounters: Winter gives you more options, more creative flexibility and more ways to just freak out your players with layered encounters with the masters of the ice and snow.

Enjoy the Half-fiend arctic druid who seeks to bring about an eternal winter along with his other former companion like the tiefling graveknight wizard who grows more cold and vile with each passing day. Or enjoy many rebellious minion from the newly crowned frost giant barbarian king who seeks to keep his people both alive and free or their victims who have been raised as undead so as to increase the druid's power base.

Brought to you by the best selling and critically acclaimed author Mike Welham. This collection brings you an even more vast array of new options to surprise even the most jaded of players with strange and exciting encounters. 101 Not So Simple Random Encounters: Winter gives you the creative oomph you've come to expect from Rite Publishing, and it'll give your party something to remember for a long time - if they survive!

Be sure to check out the full-sized preview!

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