10 Wizard Magic Items

by Rite Publishing

Rite Publishing



Tags: fantasy Magic Items Pathfinder 1e Pathfinder 1st Edition

10 Wizard Magic Items

Equipment as erudite as you are!

Sometimes you want to sit down to a full meal of archetypes, base classes, feats, magic items, npcs, prestige classes, traits, classes, or spells, and sometime you just want a cheap, quick, and easy snack. To feed your craving Rite Publishing presents the '10 Series' which will presents 10 pieces for use with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game.

This time out we bring you 10 new magical items to supplement the Wizard.

  • Boots of Jaunting: These let you to immediately teleport short distances to get out of unfavorable situations.
  • Emerald Familiar (Figurine of Wondrous Power): Protect your familiar by making it a figurine of wondrous power and later on, transforming it into a giant-sized familiar of fearsome power.
  • Emerald of Expectation: Swap out a spell you memorized for a spell in your spell book.
  • Eyes of the Studious Failure: The save DC of your spells improve consecutively until your target fails a save.
  • Gloves of the Ray: Turn a touch spell into a ray, or catch and negate a ray spell or other ranged touch attacks.
  • Mantle of the Schoolmaster: Increase the duration or uses per day of your 8th level wizard school ability.
  • Robe of the Schooled: Use your 1st level wizard school ability as a swift action or also allow your ally to gain its benefit.
  • Wizard's Battered Hat: Keep your spellbook safe inside, and write new spells into it through gifted observation.
  • Wizard's Journeyman Ring: Reroll a failed Concentration, Caster Level, or Dispel check plus Melee or Ranged Touch Attacks with this mark of mastery.
  • Alymmanthar 'The Dire Wand' Legacy Item: Let your magic item level up with you, and provide you with the ultimate tool for manipulating magic items and contracts!
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