101 Second Level Spells (5E)

by Rite Publishing

Rite Publishing



Tags: 5e 5th Edition Magic Spells

101 Second Level Spells (5E)

101 Second Level Spells (5E)

Never Cast the Same Spell Twice!

101 Second Level Spells gives you – yes, you guessed it – 101 second level spells, that will help you realize the vision you’ve had for your spellcaster.

From spells that mute your opponent, to a curses for each stat, or spells that makes DCs random, 101 Second Level Spells brings a host of new special effects to your character’s spellbook.

Wholly compatible with the 5th Edition of the World's Most Popular Roleplaying Game, 101 Second Level Spells adds new agonizing choices to the creation of your character’s spell list and their advancement without breaking the game.

Author: Steven D. Russell, Cover Artist: Sara Contreras Pages: 31
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