Psionics Expanded & Psionics Augmented PDF Bundle
Dreamscarred Press
Psionics Expanded & Psionics Augmented PDF Bundle
You get PDF copies of both Psionics Expanded: Advanced Psionics Guide & Psionics Augmented in this sweet bundle for just $15.00 even!
Psionics Expanded: Advanced Psionics Guide
Read/Watch more about these books below!
Expand Your Psionic Options!
Take psionics to the next level with all new character options and rules. With new classes, new options for existing classes, new psionic powers, feats, items, and prestige classes, this book has something for new psionic characters and old!
Contained within the pages of Psionics Expanded you will find:
- Alternate racial options for all of the psionic and core races
- Six new 20-level psionic base classes: the aegis, cryptic, dread, marksman, tactician, and vitalist (a psionic healer)
- Advanced class options including class archetypes, advanced disciplines, and new psychic warrior paths, wilder surges, and soulknife blade skills
- Dozens of new psionic and metapsionic feats
- New psionic powers for all manifesters
- Nine new psionic prestige classes, including the body snatcher, metaforge, and soul archer
- New psionic armor, weapons, and items, as well as a new type of psionic item to empower mind blades, armor, and shields
- Hyperlinks to for your convenience
Building off the core psionic rules of Psionics Unleashed, Psionics Expanded gives over two hundred pages of new character options to allow you to have exactly the psionic character you want.
Psionics Expanded requires Psionics Unleashed.
Psionics Augmented
Augment your psionic characters with this 70+ pages of new content in a full-color, softcover book, expanding on the options from Psionics Unleashed and Psionics Expanded.
Included are:
- 2 new races - the forgeborn and noral
- 30 new racial archetypes - 3 for every psionic race
- 18 new non-racial archetypes - 1 for every psionic class, 1 for all the base classes not covered in Psionics Expanded
- 40 new feats
- A Game Mastery section, giving tips, insights, and instructions to GMs on how to use psionics in their games, including a treatise on changing the nature of psionics to fit your campaign style
- 2 new psionic powers
- 1 new prestige class
- 11 pages of new psionic items
- 10 legendary psionic items
Psionics Augmented requires Psionics Unleashed.